It’s important to understand how to use a ladder safely to prevent accidents and injuries. Falls from ladders are frequently listed as one of the top causes of accidents at home and in the workplace. Nearly all of these accidents could have been prevented with a little knowledge and application of basic ladder safety. If you are using a ladder at home or on the job, keep these safety tips in mind to help reduce your risk of injury.
Learn about safety, preparedness, insurance and more on the Eaton & Berube Insurance Blog
How to Prepare for a Winter Storm: 18 Helpful Tips
How to prepare for a winter storm is a vital question for New Englanders. While some of the considerations needed to answer this question might seem obvious, it is always best to be as prepared as possible when gearing up for winter weather. Our tips below will provide you with everything you need to know about winter weather watches, advisories, and warnings, as well as advice on how to prevent cold weather injuries and remain warm and safe during a winter storm.
3 Reasons Why Life Insurance Makes a Meaningful Valentine’s Day Gift
When you think of Valentine’s Day gifts for your special someone, chocolates, roses, and romantic dinners may come to mind. One thing that likely won’t cross your mind is life insurance, but there are many reasons why a life insurance policy can be one of the most meaningful, selfless gifts you can give your loved ones.
How Does My Location Affect My Auto Insurance Rate?
There are many factors that affect car insurance rates, and your location is an important one. Learn about how your location affects your auto insurance rate and what you can do to reduce this rate.
3 New Years Resolutions for Your Business
From setting weight loss goals and focusing on fitness to making lifestyle changes like quitting smoking or spending more time with family and friends, many people make New Year’s resolutions to help them begin the new year on a positive note. While you may have set personal goals for 2013, have you considered making any New Year’s resolutions for your business? Help make your business safer and prepared for the unexpected in 2013 with the following New Year’s resolutions:
How to Prevent Pipes from Freezing this Winter
Winter weather can cause significant property damage, especially here in New Hampshire with the freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall this season typically brings, so it’s crucial to take certain precautions to winter-proof your home. According to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), frozen pipes represent one of the biggest property damage risks associated with dropping temperatures. In fact, a burst pipe can cause more than $5,000 in water damage, the IBHS reports. Use the following tips to help you better understand how to prevent pipes from freezing and causing damage to your home.
Meet Our Client: Katrina Reid of Katrina Reid’s Art
Since 6th grade, 24-year-old Katrina Reid knew she wanted to be an art teacher. Now, not only is she teaching art to both elementary and high school students, but she’s also running a business selling her artwork, Katrina Reid’s Art, which has taken off over the past two years.
Meet Our NH Insurance Agents: Cathy Beauregard – Commercial Account Manager
In the seventh post of our “Meet Our NH Insurance Agents” blog series, meet Cathy Beauregard, a commercial account manager at our Nashua office, who has been with Eaton & Berube for nearly 12 years!
Thanksgiving Safety Tips: Keep Your Turkey Day Accident & Fire Free
According to the American Red Cross, more than 4,000 fires occur on Thanksgiving every year. Use our Thanksgiving safety tips to help prevent fires and other types of accidents on Thanksgiving Day.
Dogs Take a Big Bite Out of Insurance Claims
In the following blog post from Mt. Washington Assurance Corporation, one of our reputable insurance company partners, learn about the frequency of dog bite claims and how to prevent these types of accidents.
Hurricane Preparedness Tips
With Hurricane Sandy threatening the East Coast, read our latest blog posts for useful hurricane preparedness tips to help you prepare your home before, during, and after a hurricane hits.
Halloween Safety Tips for Children: Keep Your Kids Safe on Halloween Night
From black cats to ghosts, there are many beliefs and superstitions associated with Halloween, but regardless of whether you believe black cats bring bad luck, there’s another aspect of this holiday that should be on your mind on Oct. 31: safety. Amidst all the fun of Halloween, it’s important to remember that this holiday requires some extra safety precautions. Use the following Halloween safety tips to help keep your children safe and prevent accidents and injuries on this fun-filled night: